Wir sind VET.SMART!

Jakob Neumayer, CEO

Telefonnr.:  +43 316 42 35 69-20
E-Mail: neumayer@allsmart-vet.com
Michael Doppler, sales

Telefonnr.:  +43 316 42 35 69-31
E-Mail: doppler@allsmart-vet.com
Melanie Czaby, engineering

Telefonnr.:  +43 316 42 35 69-29
E-Mail: czaby@allsmart-vet.com

Nathalie Prah, engineering

Telefonnr.:  +43 316 42 35 69-28
E-Mail: prah@allsmart-vet.com



Prevent problems, before they arise



To  create  high-quality  living  conditions  for  farm animals, to establish animal husbandry  as a fixed and recognized part of society in  the long term and sustainably – VET.SMART  started  its  mission  with  this  objective  in  2014. With our systems and solutions, over a  thousand satisfied customers have achieved:  healthy animals, high yields, happy farmers.  Together  we  solve  climate  and  husbandry  problems, even before they can be observed  in  the  barn. Trust  our  experts! With  veteri- nary know-how and technical expertise, we  also equip your farm for the climatic and hus- bandry challenges of the future.

Jakob Neumayer
  • 1025 vet.smart.tubes
  • 6 Steps to the right ventilation system
  • 365 days/year ideal barn climate